Understand your clients' muscular dominance

Just a short blog today but one with great importance when it comes to giving your client the right type of training programme and mechanics.

When it comes to the consultation, this is where you'll make or break success with your client. It's not how many fancy exercises you know or can give your client but how well you understand their body and preference.

Without knowing whether your client is slow or fast twitch dominant leaves you in the dark regarding how their body will best react to exercise prescription. There is a simpple test that you can do to get this information. One important note though is not to assume that just because you get one result from one exercise means the same applies for all. Different patterns and areas of the body have differing balances of muscles fibres and so must be treaten as individual. We suggest that you look at the biggest driving areas for best results. Including squat, push, pull and extend.

Ok, so how do you find this out? There are a number of different ways and ultimately, over time with your client, you'll get the most accurate picture just watching and experiencing how their body moves and performs through different patterns and challenges. An initial way though is to use the following test:

- Determine your one repetition maximum (1RM) on an exercise
- Rest for 15 minutes
- Perform as many repetitions as possible with 80% of your 1RM


- Less than 7 repetitions - fast twitch (FT) dominant
- 7 or 8 repetitions - mixed fibre type
- more than 8 repetitions - slow twitch (ST) dominant

Important to also remember that over time, this can change. Checking on an annual basis can help you stay accurate.

Any questions or experiences, just drop me a line phill@creatingchaos.co.uk
