Primal Flow - ground breaking system of functional exercise

After more and more interest being taken with Primal Flow, I thought I'd write a little more about about what it is, how it came about and how it can benefit both you and your clients.

Looking back at my coaching career so far, even from the very first courses I attended, I remember always thinking that repeating the same movement over and over again can't be that good, however, in the early days, I really didn't know any better and so just went along with the trends that were and very much still are instructed. As my confidence and understanding of the body grew, I started to experiment more with different ways of challenging and conditioning the body.
When it comes to exercise, for me, there are a number of absolute musts with any exercise or pattern:

  • It must be functional - if the movement doesn't serve a purpose then isn't doing the body, posture or alignment any favours
  • It must be safe - understanding the internal workings of the core, inner stabilising units and outer global units ensures that all the movements work with the flow of the body and not against them
  • It must be progressive and effective - challenging the body is the only way that exercise truly benefits, by knowing your level, ability and making the programme progressive, you can rest assured that your programme will be hugely effective
  • It must be interesting - exercise should never be numb, mindless or a duty. Looking at primal man, exercise was purposeful, demanded thought and deliberation and always had an objective be it hunting, building or escaping danger.
Having been working on PF for a a number of years, many clients will have experienced numerous sequences and flows without knowing but now, the concept is completely formed and ready to take flight.

The benefits of this type of exercise can be shaped in pretty much any direction:

  • Physiological - Strength, power, conditioning, endurance, balance, agility, alignment and flexibility
  • Goal driven - weight loss, shape, reduce body fat, increase size, build shape or tone
  • General wellness - Increase bone density, improve cardiovascular fitness, improve posture

The list goes on. The reason it is so effective is because it brings together all 25 natural and instinctive movements of the body, organises them creating stability before mobility and then follows with gradual progression through a very unique method of programming

The 2 day course 'Primal Pattern & Functional Movement Specialist' provides you with all the tools to start using primal flow for yourself, gives you hundreds of brand new exercises and a system for creating a completely unlimited list of new patterns and sequences. Find out more and book your place here

Take your clients off machines into the realms of open body movement. Machines generally speaking distort movement completely, deactivate the core and result in pain, injury and never ending discomfort. Think about it, most people can relate with a bicep curl which serves to isolate the bicep. Ok, fine, however, with over 600 hundred muscles in the body, how can you possibly achieve a balanced work out for all of them by isolating? You can't! Even if you did isolate every single one relative to their function within the body, the body doesn't operate through segmented function, it is a single unit and should be used that way.

Well, that should be enough to give you a brief understanding of the background. Subscribe to stay updated with news, new flows and further courses and workshops.

Is your fitness business actually a business?

I've decided to focus a little on the business aspect of development. After all, the fitness industry has a huge portion of self employed individuals including personal trainers, bootcamp instructors, sports therapists, sports massage therapists and much more. The question is - is yours a business or a job.

That may sound crazy and ironic but being self employed doesn't necessarily mean that you have a business. It means that you are taking your own income into your own hands.

In my experience, generally speaking, self employed people in the fitness industry fall into one of the following categories:

  • Highly skilled individuals who are very busy delivering
  • Highly skilled individuals who aren't as busy delivering as they'd like to be

The truth is that neither of those is actually a business. A business is a scalable and leveraged concept that makes money regardless of you being there or not.

Working yourself into the ground trying desperately to fill your diary, see clients and make more money can be a fairly draining life. I know as I've been there. The constant worry over where the next chunk of money is coming from or how you'll pay for your license fee can crack even the most positive people.

The good news is that if you feel like you fall into one of those categories, technology makes it easy for you start making your models and systems more business orientated.
In our industry, people buy people and they buy experiences. Having clients that keep coming back shows that people like what you do and believe in you. There is no difference in principle(aside of a few billion £'s) between the continued custom of your clients and those of Virgin or Apple. Trust, value and service. It's time to start asking yourself some questions.

Do you see yourself doing what you're currently doing in 10 years, 20 years, 30 years time?

What do you want to be doing in 10, 20 and 30 years time?

How can you put your passion, knowledge and focus into something that can provide you with cash flow?

Wouldn't it be great to only do personal training for the love and not for the need of income.

Over the coming weeks, I'll be adding some absolute business musts when it comes to identifying yourself, keeping it simple and making your marketing a magnet for new customers.
