The Big 49er - a beast of a session

Every now and again I like to up the ante when it comes to training. One of the those sessions where a third of the way through and your starting to question your own sanity and wonder whether it's actually possible. Yes, even trainers get those sneaky demons of doubt, we just know that feelings can often be little porky pie merchants and no-one likes listening to pork pie merchants.

Anyway, enough of the classic British Meat Pie. Although incidentally, you deserve one if you complete this circuit and it won't undo all the goodness you've done (as long as it's not a ginsters)

Instruction: 7 sets of 7 exercises with 7 reps per exercise (7 each side if unilateral exercise)
Equipment: 2 x Kettlebells (ideally 24's for men / 16's for ladies but go with what you feel comfortable with), pull up bar


  1. Reverse Lunges (2 x kettlebells with farmers grip)
  2. Pull Ups (Body-row if unable)
  3. Double KB swing (2 x kettlebells)
  4. Burpees (with a press up)
  5. Front Squat (2 x kettlebells)
  6. Roll back to stand
  7. Double push press (2 x kettlebells)
James perfectly executing the double push press

It's as straight forward as that. Those keen mathematicians will identify that I've called it 'The big 49er' and whilst the circuit completes 49 sets (not to mention 343 reps), I was only using 48kg for the loaded exercises. My justification is that I lost a kg in water through the circuit so I was carrying the extra weight (even if only for the start)

Let us know how you get on and leave a comment.

In terms of calorie consumption, why not take a look at this article that reveals some rather interesting results from kettlebell specific workouts. Not just the calorific effect but the anaerobic demand and effect on VO2 max. Finally some solid evidence that shows how much more effective kettlebells are than many other forms of conditioning, especially with the bridge between both cardio and resistance.

Whilst the components of this circuit differ, the common ground is that all the movements are compound full-body exercises and therefore will not be too dissimilar in terms of demand, certainly not with the substantial weight.

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